Deployments On Cloudflare December 20, 2023

I spent last evening transitioning this blog from using SASS and Bootstrap to Tailwind CSS. I use Cloudflare Pages which has excellent features like preview instances for branches (and being free). Of course, I shipped without previewing in production because I forgot about that feature.

Andrew Wk November 15, 2023

I somehow missed the full album release, but Andrew W.K.'s latest from 2021 is an album I have been listening to on repeat lately. To me, the album is one of self-empowerment and remembering what you've fought for. 🤘🏻

Zenith Remote August 3, 2023

I grew up in the generation on the cusp on the internet, so most of my adolescence was pre-cellphone and pre-internet. Partly because of that, I am always fascinated by non-electronic solutions to electronic problems. Old "clicker" remotes like the Zenith Space Command are an amazing example.

Solar Winds Hack May 15, 2023

The SolarWinds hack of 2019-2020, even at a high level of understanding, is incredible to think about from both the hacking and mitigation perspective. Wired's article recounts what happened and, honestly, it's worth the extra long read.

Dyson Face Mask April 27, 2023

Every now and again a new product or article comes along that is refreshing in all aspects. This review of Dyson's new, weird headset plus air purifier is fulfilling that role for me right now. I love everything about Victoria Song's write up and I encourage you to read it and take a break from thinking about serious things for a moment.