More Like M Pro January 17, 2025

I saw the MCon controller when it was first posted online a little while ago, but it’s now officially on Kickstarter and has surpassed $1.2M USD in backing! This controller design absolutely blows me away as it’s one of those designs that seems so obvious in hindsight. This young man’s ingenuity is pretty inspiring and I look forward to seeing this thing in real life.

Before that... January 15, 2025

YouTube channel and hardware review site Gamers Nexus is raising the bar again by pursuing a proposed class action lawsuit against Paypal over the alleged actions taken by its Honey browser extension. If you’re not aware of it, Steve of Gamers Nexus walks through the reporting and situation in the first parts of the video. GN has been absolutely killing it the last couple years with some amazing investigative reporting and this is yet another way they’ve stepped up to ensure their viewers and fellow YouTubers are supported and protected. If you want to support them directly, they have some amazing merch on their store and a Patreon.

Definitely Nothing Going On Here December 16, 2024

To quote Francesca Marano, a Wordpress contributor of 10 years, “Where are the adults in the room?” The Wordpress debacle that started several months ago continue to devolve in the most unexpected ways… unexpected, at least, if you expect CEOs and Founders to act anything like adults in 2024.

A Real Crisis Of Decision Making October 16, 2024

I personally understand the challenge of building software and trying to get user feedback in order to provide exactly what’s needed. That said, I know Dino Crisis fans, like myself, are very clear and have been pretty consistent over the years. Like any other retro series fan, the demand is simply to make the game playable, available, and purchaseable. Would we like trophies or other QoL updates? Sure, but they’re not necessary. Instead, we end up with Sony attempting to use the Netflix model on the base game.

We Get What The Pros Get September 19, 2024

Not long ago Jim Ryan, now former President and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, retired from the company after 30 years. During Ryan’s retirement party, he was apparently gifted a PS5 that was completely done up in the fashion of the original PlayStation. A lot of folks were wondering whether this particular model might be released to the public since it seemed pretty over the top to do only one instance of it. Now, we have our answer.